Selected artwork

My work is centered around memory, time and technology, usually presented in the mediums of video art, durational art performances, video essays, experimental prints and experimental digital experiences.

Why Aliens Love America (2024)

From the eerie sightings in 17th-century Massachusetts to the Roswell incident of 1947, why have aliens become a persistent theme in American culture? Single-channel video, 2024. The work mixes found footage, movie footage, AI-generated footage and images in a blurring of reality and its othered foil, "imagination".


Official selection NYC Experimental Film Festival 2024, shown at the Angelika Theater.

Untitled (The Eroded Heart) (2022)

Experimental prints featuring a poem from my book "Stonemilker" (2022) inspired by concrete poetry.

Selected posters (2020-)

Various graphic design work

Untitled (A Single Spartan Girl) (2023)

“Untitled (A Single Spartan Girl)” is a short film deconstructing a foundational tale of the Western canon, the Trojan War. “Untitled” rejects the mainstream narrative that it was caused by “a single spartan girl” and weaves in other accounts from ChatGPT, Sappho, her lover Paris, Herodotus, the first historian, and an imagined account from Helen herself. By reappropriating the text, “Untitled” rejects the uniglossality of history in favor of a polyglossal approach mirrored in the spoken poem. The images were made using an early version of StableDiffusion.


Winner of the Angel Orensanz prize at the Marseilles Art Film Festival. Official Selection of the Chroma Art Festival, the Parsons AMT Festival and the Octopus Experimental Film Festival

Untitled (A Plague in Cyberspace) - Short Film (2021)

Untitled is an experimental shoft film that seeks to answer the question: "How might we represent and engage with digital-prime memories?" Scores and visuals by Ruby Thelot.

Untitled (I AM SITTING IN A ZOOM) (2021)

“I Am Sitting in a Zoom” is a digital performance art piece designed to interrogate the transferability of experiences from analog to digital realms in the age of telepresence. It is a reprise of the famous 1969 Alvin Lucier piece “I Am Sitting in a Room”.


Featured on the front page of Zora and collected by Trevor McFedries.

Untitled (5 Tools for a Post-Truth World) (2023)

Experimental video essay on the intersection of truth, magic and technology. Commissioned by Common Place, Knowledge Futures. Published here.

Untitled (Mnemophagy) (2023)

Physical instantiation of the lost 45,000 YouTube comments form the Checkpoints community. Presented at the Parsons School of Design Thesis Show 2023.

Untitled (The Telos of Technology) (2022)

Experimental video essay on the nature of Being and the impact of technology on Being

Untitled (A Plague in Cyberspace) - Live (2021)

 Untitled is an audio-visual performance that seeks to answer the question: "How might we represent and engage with digital-prime memories?" Performed at the Parsons School of Design. Scores and visuals by Ruby Thelot.

Untitled (Crimes) - Live at Abuja Art Week (2021)

Crimes is an exploration of colonial injuries by way of poetry and machine distortion. Accompanying peer-reviewed essay here.